Surgical Procedures

Foot and ankle pain can be caused by injury, ill-fitting shoes, diseases such as arthritis or diabetes, poor circulation, genetic abnormalities, or simply wear and tear over time. Foot and/or ankle pain can often be debilitating and sometimes treatment may include surgical procedures.

Dr. Desai is an experienced foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon so you can expect high quality care, compassion and results! 

Surgical Procedures

1st MTP cheilectomy 
1st MTP Joint Fusion 
1st MTP Joint Replacement 
1st Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis 
2nd metatarsal shortening osteotomy 
5th Metatarsal Fracture (Jones Fracture) screw fixation 
5th metatarsal rotational osteotomy for bunionette

Achilles Tendon Repair 
Amputation – Below Knee 
Ankle Arthroscopy 
Ankle Arthrodesis (Ankle Fusion) 
Ankle Arthroplasty (Ankle Replacement) 
Ankle Cheilectomy 
Ankle Fracture ORIF

Below Knee Amputation 
Bone Graft Harvest 
Brostrum Lateral Ligament Stabilization 
Bunion Procedures 
Bunionette Correction

Calcaneal Fracture ORIF 
Calcaneal Osteotomy 
Chevron Osteotomy for hallux valgus 
Clawed Great Toe Correction 
Clawtoe Correction 
Cresentic Osteotomy

Dorsiflexing 1st Metatarsal Osteotomy 
Drop Foot Correction

Endoscopic Partial Plantar Fascietomy 
Ertl Procedure (Tibiofibular Osteosynthesis) 
Evans Procedure 
Extensor Substitutions 
Extensor Tendon Lengthening for Clawtoe Correction 
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

Flexor Digitorum Longus (FDL) tendon transfer to Posterior Tibial tendon 
Flexor Hallucis Longus (FHL) tendon transfer to Achilles 
Flexor Tendon Release for Claw Toes 
Flexor to Extensor Tendon transfer for Claw Toe correction (Girdlestone-Taylor) 
FHL tendon transfer to Peroneus Brevis 
Foot Fracture Surgery

Gastrocnemius Slide (Strayer Procedure) 
Ganglion Resection 
Girdlestone-Taylor transfers (FDL to Dorsal Hood) 
Great Toe Cheilectomy 
Great Toe Fusion 
Great Toe Joint Replacement

Haglund debridement

Insertional Achilles Tendonitis debridement

Jones Procedure- Clawed Great Toe Correction 
Jones Fracture ORIF

Lapidus Procedure for hallux valgus 
Lateral Ankle Ligament reconstruction 
Lateral Ligament Stabilization -Brostrum Repair 
Lateralizing Calcaneal Osteotomy 
Lateral Column Lengthening 
Lisfranc Fracture ORIF 
Ludloff Procedure ( Bunion Surgery)

Medializing Calcaneal Osteotomy 
Medial capsulorraphy (1st MTP) 
Metatarsal Shortening Osteotomy (Weil Osteotomy) 
Midfoot Arthrodesis (midfoot fusion) 
MIS (Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery) 
MTP Joint Capsule Release for Clawtoe Deformity

Naviculocuneiform Arthrodesis


Partial Plantar Fasciotomy 
Percutaneous TendoAchilles Lengthening 
Peroneus Brevis to Longus Tendon transfer 
Peroneus Longus to Achilles 
Peroneus Longus to Brevis Tendon transfer 
Pilon Fracture ORIF 
PIP (Proximal Interphalangeal) Joint Fusion 
Plantar Fasiectomy (Partial) 
Proximal Chevron Osteotomy Bunion Correction 
Proximal Tibial Bone Graft 
Posterior Tibial tendon transfer to dorsal foot 
Proximal metatarsal osteotomy for hallux valgus

Retrocalcaneal bursa debridement

SCARF Osteotomy 
Strayer Procedure 
Subtalar Fusion (Arthrodesis)

Talar neck Fracture ORIF 
Triple Arthrodesis 
Tendon Transfers


Weil Metatarsal Shortening Osteotomy

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What Patients Are Saying About Dr. Desai



Thank you for taking care of me and my injured foot (heel). I sincerely appreciate your care and the attention you show me individually… it means a lot to me and helps build my confidence that we’ll have a positive outcome. Thanks for having my back!  -Patient


Thank you for being such an amazing doctor! I am so thankful you were the one to help me. You did such a great job on my foot. I look at it and say “WOW, it looks so good!” You are so talented at what you do. The ankle and feet are very interesting! You explained everything we needed to know so well. Thank you for all you do. -Patient

The average person takes 10,000 steps each day, don't let foot and ankle pain keep you from living life.

Contact Dr. Desai Today!